Thursday, September 30, 2010

Things I Like

Alright, I mentioned in my last post that I say "I love blah" a lot. I do, I admit it. I throw the word around.
We all do…
But I really do want to stop. It's a bad habit. Bad.
I wish there was more than one form of the word love, like in C.S. Lewis' book The Four Loves. In Greek, there are four different words which all essentially mean love.
Anyway. This post is about things I'm currently liking a lot. I will not say "loving" in regards to a nonperson. Girlscout's honor.
I was never a Girlscout…but you know what I mean.
Ok, first thing. I'm liking renewed friendships.
I love my friends (hey, they are persons!). I really dislike holding grudges against people I was once close to. There's nothing like forgiving and letting go of whatever "hurt" you think someone has caused you. It's seriously liberating. And chances are, the hurt was not inflicted intentionally.
When I am ready to get over myself and forgive someone fully, it's like a huge weight is lifted from my shoulders. Or like the world is right-side up again. A breath of fresh air.
So what are you waiting for? Forgive someone.
"Forgive us as we forgive those who sin against us."
Yikes, I better get even better at forgiving. Convicted.
Next thing. Impact.
I like impact. I seriously typed "love" in that last sentence and had to rewrite it. Bad.
So, impact. I'm still figuring this out, but so far it means, "catalyzing change". Change is hard, but good. Positive change is the best.
I like being impacted by the people around me and in return, impacting them.
Mostly, impacting a community or something. San Francisco's been on my heart a lot lately. I really like this city- it's one of my favorite places. I love the people who live in this city. I don't know what will happen with this, but I'm open to whatever…
Third thing: San Francisco.
Nice segue, right? If I decided to serve in any city, it would be San Francisco. This place is tough, crowded, busy, beautiful, diverse…a little bit of everything. Not to mention the amazing coffee culture. The Gibraltar was born at Blue Bottle Cafe in SF, did I mention that? Home of Blue Bottle, Ritual, Fourbarrel, Sightglass…yum. My favorite Thai place is in the city, too.
And the ocean. Hello? Ya. 
Not to mention the cupcakes.
And the homeless. Wow. I took a guy to dinner once when I was in San Francisco who was living on the street due to depression and anxiety. I took another lady some food who had been widowed and had no where else to go. I've met boys who lost everything while moving to the city and have no options. What are these people going to do to get the help they need?
So many options.
Another thing:
"Something in the Water" by Brooke Fraser. So fun. And totally different from her other songs. It's the best midday encourager- super upbeat and sweet. And the music video has a really cute Eskimo in it. Her new album Flags is available for preorder on iTunes. And guess what? She's got a show in San Francisco in December!
Clothes and Makeup:
Blushable Creme Sticks from NYC and Jumbo Eye Pencils from NYX (Creme Cheese is great for highlighting). And Perfectly Real Makeup from Clinique. And Korres Face Primer (which is paraben and silicone free and smells like citrus). And Stilla Blush in Creme.
I tried the LashBlast Lengthening formula this month and I don't know if it's my favorite mascara, but I like it more than the original LashBlast.
I've had Palladio's loose rice powder for a while but I'm just realizing now how much I like it. Yay!
Clinique's Long Last Glosswear in Guava Gold is lovely but sticky.
By the way, I've had this stuff for a while. It's just the first time I've mentioned it! The mascara is new.
And Old Navy. Who knew? I'm so excited about it. So comfy! And cute.
Sweaters from H&M. Comfy as well.
And cuffed straight-leg jeans.
I'm also adoring the idea of fall. It's not fall here yet, we're still getting 90 degree weather. Ew. But, hopefully it'll cool down soon. Fall is better for coffee drinking, baking, bundling up and enjoying the outdoors (at least in my area it is. no one wants to go outside in this heat). And fall means midterm and Thanksgiving break as well as a trip to Tahoe and San Francisco! Yay!
These are the things I really like right now :)
Oh, and a side note: everyone's making fun of Katy Perry's schoolgirl outfit from her SNL performance. It's really what girls from my Catholic high school would wear minus the sequins. I kid you not!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Get to Know Me

So, a part of this tag is that I have to post a current picture of myself…no touch-ups or added make-up allowed.

I'm at work in this picture, but I'm done with work…It's nine o'clock and I'm listening to Hillsong United. The headphones are Apple In-Ears and the hoodie and tee are from Old Navy if anyone is wondering…

Q: What made you choose your blog?
A: I've been considering writing a blog for a while now…I've always enjoyed writing and sharing my thoughts, so I finally took the plunge! The name is an inside joke, but I'll clue you guys in- my name is spelled Jacque, which is the French spelling of the American name Jackie. So, the bf said "You should call it "Blogue Jacque!" I thought it was fun :) and kinda silly, but...I didn't have any better ideas!
Q: What's your actual name?
A: Jacquelyn Nicole Allard
Q: Do you have any nicknames?
A: Lots. But the most common are Jacque, J and Jack. I don't appreciate the last one, lol, but it's stuck.
Q: What hobbies do you have?
A: Coffee, baking, reading, food, music, fashion, makeup, movies…etc, etc...
Q: What do you do?
A: I work for a church in the Children's Ministry department. I focus on curriculum and visuals as well as events and teaching.
Q: What would you like to do?
A: I like what I do. It's said that if a child comes to Christ before the age of 12, they are more likely to remain in the faith for the rest of their lives. I hope to help create a fun and safe environment for them (and their parents) in which they can begin to form a relationship with Jesus. And I love hanging out with them!
Someday, I'd like to just be a wife and mother. But we shall see...
Q: Tell us something embarrassing, but that you love doing?
A: Haha…lots of things! I'm a little quirky I guess. I love going to coffee with people. I don't care how well I know them or whatever, if we're going to coffee, it doesn't matter.
I love makeup. I always have. I don't know why…I was always the girl who did everyone's face and hair for dances and such. It's fun.
I really like singing pieces from Broadway musicals and any Italian aria. Beautiful stuff. I guess it's because I always did in voice lesson (I took voice for 9 years, performed as a soloist and in ensembles and was a music minor originally. I also love to help lead worship).
Q: Tell us a little something that we don't already know about you.
A: I have really bad luck. Like seriously bad luck. But a really good intuition. So they kind of balance one another out. It's like I get a good read on situations and people, but I am trying to not draw conclusions hastily because of it. 
And I have lots of deja vu from dreams. Does that make sense? It's like, "Oh, this has happened to me before…In a dream!"
I am blessed with very generous people in my life. Any Apple product I own has been given to me. Ya, even the In-Ear Headphones from the picture. I have some beautiful purses that were given to me as well. It's crazy. And mostly the bf's fault. I'm spoiled.
I am a health nut. Organic, all natural, no food coloring allowed kinda nut. I'm one of those girls who will turn down fast food unless I'm in dire need of calories. And it goes for skin care, too. I make my own face scrubs and makeup removers and would rather use aloe and olive oil on my skin than anything with parabiens and fragrance. But I do love perfume :)
Q: What achievement are you most proud of?

A: Nannying these guys! No, they're not mine (I don't know why it's leaving such a big gap between the text and the photo!)
And becoming more like the person God wants me to be :)
Q: What do you most like about yourself?
A: Huh. I'm not sure…the first thing that comes to mind is that I'm hard-working.
Q: What would you change about yourself if you could?
A: I want to learn to empathize. I struggle with that at times.
Q: If you could have anything in the world (that doesn't cost any money), what would you want?
A: I have no idea! There are so many things I want to change and have happen, but they aren't things I can do on my own…I want to get married (but that costs lots of money, so…)...
I want to change the way people see the homeless.
I want to change the way people see Christians.
I want to have a positive impact on my community.
I want to be helpful to those in need.
Q: Do you have any pets ? 
A: My parents have a dog…
Q: Name three things that are physically close to you
A: Laptop, monitor, green tea with honey :)
Q: What's the weather like right now
A: Warm. Hello Mother Nature, it's supposed to be fall!
Q: Do you drive ? If so, have you crashed? 
A: Yes! No!
Q: What time did you wake up this morning?
A: 6:45 am. Yucky
Q: When was the last time you showered?
A: This morning
Q: What was the last movie that you saw?
A: I can't remember…the last thing I watched was the Office Season Premier
Q: What does you last text message say?
A: Yes ma'am :)
It was to the bf's mom :)
Q: What is your ringtone? 
A: Picture by Mutemath
Q: Have you ever been to a different country? 
A: Yes! I've been to Mexico several times, England and Spain.
Q: Do you like sushi?
A: Definitely. I ignore the fact that it may be full of mercury. Ignorance is bliss…?
Q: Where do you buy your groceries?
A: Trader Joe's and Target
Q: Have you ever taken any medication to help you fall asleep faster?
A: Medication? Nope. I stay away from pills.
Q: How many siblings do you have?
A: I have a younger sister and a younger brother. Both happen to be taller than me :( haha
Q: Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
A: Just a laptop :)
Q: How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
A: 21!
Q: Do you wear contacts or glasses?
A: No. I'm supposed to wear glasses while reading, but I don't. Oops!
Q: Do you colour your hair? 
A: No, but I found a gray hair today. Oh man :( What does it mean?!
Q: Tell me something you are planing to do today
A: I am planning on going to bed early and hopefully watching SNL! I love that show. And I say that I love inanimate objects too much.
Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: Monday. I got into a fender bender for the first time, but there was no damage to either car! PTL! It was my fault completely, I backed into the guy because I didn't see him, but he was so nice and said it wasn't a big deal. I got lucky guys!
Q: What is your perfect pizza topping?
A: Green bell peppers :)
Q: Which do you prefer, hamburger or cheeseburger ?
A: I don't eat red meat…so…
Q: Have you ever had an all-nighter?
A: Well, I am a college student. I've had a few of those!
Q: What is your eye color?
A: Currently blue
Q: Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
A: Yes, but I don't like either of them.
Ok, that went from really personal to impersonal…but I think these are kinda fun :)
Now you know me better!
I'll write something more original soon, I promise.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Where is this year going? I can't believe how it's flying by. It seems like as we get older, the years get shorter. And now it's almost October!
I haven't written in several days for a few reasons: 
1. Because I think only two people know this blog exists ;)
2. Because I've been pretty sarcastic this week, and no one wants to read that.
Well, and I've been busy. This week is hectic! I call Tuesdays like today "Crazy Tuesdays" (they happen a few times a month). But days like today help me appreciate my down time. Always a positive thing.
Mostly, I've spent a lot of this week processing. Processing mostly about things I've experienced this year as well as forgiveness. All this time spent thinking about how my encounters and a more merciful attitude have affected my life this year made me realize something else about 2010:
This year will be one to remember.
Seriously, it's been a year out of a reality TV show. I think you guys would watch it if someone ever aired it ;) But, that means it's also been a year of growth and that's always a good thing.
I think I'll look back on this year as a good year. Ok, and an overwhelming year. But a good one.
Someone recently asked me how I would describe my life if I could only use movie genres...It would definitely be a suspenseful romantic comedy kinda movie.
Told you you would watch it!
I've started a Bible study on the experiences of the prophet Jonah and man did he have some crazy things going on in his life. Have you ever been swallowed by a whale? Ya, me neither. It makes my life seem a little less weird. Ok, more than a little.
But anyway, in this study the author is always comparing Jonah's life to a life full of divine intervention. Not a life interrupted, not a life thrown off track. A life full of God's intervention. Um, I think that's what I signed up for when I accepted Christ as my personal Savior. Let me check...yep, I did.
And that's when it started to make sense.
I don't want a boring life. I don't even want a comfortable life. I want the life God has for me. And if all the craziness is a part of His plan and allowing me to become more like Him, then why am I complaining?
So ya, life's constantly surprising me this year. But I'm also constantly surprising myself :)
What's this year been like for you?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Gibraltar-Not the Rock

So yesterday I had way too much caffeine and not enough water.
Bad combo.
Have you ever seen that study of the spiders who were given meth, marijuana, speed, etc…and caffeine? If you haven't seen the pictures, Google them. Seriously. It's crazy what caffeine does to the spiders' web-spinning skills! Worse than most of the other drugs.
How do you "give" a spider these substances, anyway?
Question aside, I felt like those spiders.
I usually make a habit out of drinking water. I'll try and get in my 8 glasses a day and then some. I guess I was sidetracked yesterday and just forgot or something (there was a lot of design work to be done). So, I went to coffee last night and was planning on getting an iced latte and a glass of water, straying from my typical french press and a glass of water.
But, the barista was super nice and wanted to treat me, so he brought me a gibraltar.
What's that? Well, it's between a latte and a macchiato. Espresso (this one had a single origin from Panama…yum) and milk. It's named for the 4.5 ounce glass it's served in, but you typically won't see it on a menu and never in a Starbucks. It looked something like this:

It was great, but became really bitter as it cooled :( so I didn't finish all of it.
But by the time I was halfway done with the little guy, I was so thirsty for water that I went to the bar, ordered a baby iced latte and asked for a water glass. I drank a lot of water between the two drinks.
I ended up only finishing half the latte, but holy moly it was so hard to focus. I was trying to study, but I had the shakes, was easily distracted, you know. Caffeine overload. I haven't had this problem with caffeine in a long time. My physics study guide was total confusion before I had any coffee... But, it kept me awake long enough to get my homework done!
Lesson learned. I don't want to be like that poor spider in the study. Today, I'm drinking lots of water.
But really, does everyone drink several glasses a day?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Stupid Mouth

I have a stupid mouth.
You know that song by John Mayer?
Ya, that's me.
I try so hard to be careful with what I say. I don't want to tear others apart when they're not there or to be the party popper with a critical attitude.
But, sometimes I do and sometimes I am.
It's so easy to do. And I know we all do it. We gossip, we critic, we feel better about ourselves.
How is that even possible?
I personally feel awful after I've said something I shouldn't say. And I'm good at beating myself up over it. I'll have temporary insomnia or a stomachache, get really quiet and isolated…ya know, generally reek of guilt.
I'm finding ways to be better at keeping my mouth shut. I think that it's important to identify what makes you feel the need to gossip and stay away from it. Whether that means putting up boundaries with others, considering you say before you speak, or journaling to help you process things…there are ways to avoid using words in a way that may hurt others.
I find that there are people who bring out this side of me. It's so easy to visit Negative Town if someone else is already there, you know?
This is what I'm working on. Bam, there it is! What are you working on?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

There's a shark in the water!

A few nights ago, the bf and I were hanging out in Sacramento. We dropped in on our favorite coffee shop and brainstormed about what to do for the rest of the evening. We've spent a lot of time in this city, so it can get pretty uneventful. We talked about having dinner at a few restaurants we frequent, but none of them sounded interesting. Then, I suggested Joe's Crab Shack. We'd never been, and it's right by the river (which I love!). It's also located in Oldtown, which is a fun place to visit.
Especially if you like free candy samples from Candy Heaven. Yum!
So, we headed over to Oldtown. We tried to call in a reservation, but Joe's doesn't take reservations. Now I understand why. It was packed! All of Oldtown was packed. Parking took a while, but it was several dollars cheaper to find a space on the street than to park in the lot.
We headed into Joe's to put our names on the list and we were immediately welcomed and smiled at. I love that. You know how some hostesses ooze hatred for their job? These hostesses didn't. They were having as much fun as everyone else in the place!
There was a man creating balloon animals and hats near the front door (probably to entertain guests while they waited and waited and waited for a table). The interior of the restaurant was decorated with bright, colored lights, signs with funny little diddies (like: "Life's to short to dance with ugly women" and "If we're not smiling, tell Joe's mama") and mismatched chairs and tables. There was energetic music playing throughout the place, and every thirty minutes or so the staff would all get up and dance. This place is so fun!
Our wait was supposed to be 25-30 minutes, so we walked around Oldtown to pass the time. When we came back 25 minutes later...we waited for another 40 minutes. But it was so worth it! And there was plenty to entertain us. Even the bathroom has fun decor in it!
When we were seated (we requested a table outside on the "Big Deck" because of the beautiful view of the river), our waitress introduced herself and set our places. The table we sat at was a picnic bench with a stainless steel bucket set in the middle. The salt and pepper shakers were repurposed, capped Corona bottles. The menu was extensive and just about everything sounded delicious.
Detour: I always say that food sounds good. Does anyone else do this?
Anyway. We ordered the crab nachos and pot with three different types of crab, corn on the cob and "New Potatoes" (steamed and seasoned).
Ok, listen to me folks: don't order the King crab! Don't do it! It was dry and tasted incredibly off. I almost thought it was bad, but the bf placed the flavor as dirty. As if it hadn't been cooked or cleaned properly. Stick to the snow crab. It's a little sweeter, but so yummy. The potatoes are not great, it would be better if they were roasted in the oven.
But the nachos. Oh man. I'll go back just for those guys. They were so great and the plate was HUGE! Yum...
There was one thing that had us confused...People kept shouting "There's a shark in the water!" or "Shark bite!" or something else related to a shark. We finally asked our waitress and she explained that the waitstaff would shout after serving the signature drink called the "Shark Bite." The waiter adds a short of grenadine at the table and that's when they start shouting about sharks. Since grenadine is get it?
Ya, it took me a while, too. But it was fun.
Oh, the best park: the crab-cracking utensils they give you are yellow, plastic crab claws with "Stolen from Joe's" printed on them. Haha :) and they give you a bib.
It was a great night. The food was a little sketch, but I wasn't expecting exquisite seafood. It's all about those nachos, though. Love those. My stomach is growling...
Another thing to love about Joe's: they're working to battle hunger. Check it out on their twitter: @joes_crab_shack
Did I mention the view? So beautiful! 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Coffee Talk

I'm in Starbucks (because I was late to chapel…by two minutes). I don't frequent Starbucks, but there's no third wave coffee near campus. And now, I remember why I don't. No, the service isn't bad and no, I didn't order their coffee. But, the men behind me are talking about lesbian vampires. WHAT? No, seriously. Lesbian vampires. 
In coffee shops, people tend to vent their feelings loud enough for all the other innocent bystanders to hear. I'm guilty of it, too. Been there, cried in a Starbucks, done that. It's as if coffee shops are safe places for us to let our innermost thoughts and troubles come to the surface.
Oh, what a blessing caffeine is.
So, I'm just trying to mind my own business and drink my "London Fog" aka tea with steamed milk (yes, I like milk in my tea :)), when the young guys behind me start talking vampire chicks…and then move on to lesbian vampires. I'm hiding my giggles.
As an avid Twilight fan, I love me some vampires, too.
I do love that coffee shops are a place of connection. Even though we all live crazy, busy lives, we all have time for coffee.  The average American drinks 3.1 cups of coffee every day. Why not take the time to drink one cup with a friend?
Even if we end up discussing lesbian vampires… ;)

The next day:
Ok. I don't ever ever ever do this, but I went back to Starbucks today. I forgot to eat breakfast this morning (I have this problem often) and I didn't want to turn into a hypoglycemic mess by lunchtime, so I grabbed some of their pumpkin bread (which is really good and very filling) and an iced tea lemonade with one pump classic syrup.
I like it a tad sweet.
I then did something I've never done before. I talked to the barista about coffee.
Let me explain. They had some kind of sample sitting on the counter and I was offered one. I said, "What is it?" and tried to keep my suspicions to myself.  The barista explained to me that it was their new Toffee Mocha. Now, I'm a little grossed out by the idea of a toffee flavored coffee drink, but my sister really likes them, so I gave it a try. It was luke-warm and bitter, then overwhelmingly sweet, then bitter again. Ew. The barista asked for my honest feedback, and I told him it was pretty sweet for a mocha, but I like sweet. I told him I'm not a great judge of Starbucks coffee because I never drink it. I made all kinds of excuses, but he saw right through me.
"I'm into the third wave coffee scene, too."
I breathed a sigh of relief. I asked what his favorite shop was and he said he frequented Temple Coffee in Sacramento. It's a trip, but man is it worth it. I love Temple, too. I name dropped my favorite shop (Bloom Coffee) and he said he'd been there as well.
Someone understands my snobbery.
I recommended he try the Bliss the next time he's at Temple and thanked him for handing me my pumpkin bread before heading out.
That reminds me. I talked to a barista friend of mine at Bloom yesterday about my experience with the lesbian vampire-loving men from that morning.  She laughed and told me of a time she heard two girls talking about accidentally purchasing maternity clothes over coffee during her shift. Thought I'd share that with you.
I don't blame the girls. Pregnant ladies get to wear the cutest clothes.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First Post

Hey! I’m glad you stopped by. Welcome to my first blog post ever.  I’m going to start by telling you a little bit about myself…
 My name is Jacque (pronounced like Jackie or Jacky)
 I’m 20 years old
I’m almost done with college
I love baking
   Especially banana cupcakes with honey-cream cheese frosting and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies
I work in ministry
I’m a makeup junkie
I’m growing out my hair
I have a wonderful boyfriend
I aspire to be a homemaker
From what I said above, you can assume I’m old-fashioned
I’m not completely nostalgic
Music is a joy to me
I’m shy in person
I love third wave coffee
You could call me a coffee snob
I’m a cat person
I’m artistic
Dark chocolate gives me headaches
I love good food
But then again, who doesn’t
I’ve got this thing for water
That includes (but is not limited to) rivers
The ocean
And Smart Water
I love Toms, Uggs and other comfy cozy shoes
I wear denim every day unless I’m wearing a dress
Gray is my favorite color
Yes, I see it as a color
That’s the basics. Wow, that seems self-centered in retrospect.
I’m not sure what this blog will be about. Probably my thoughts and passions and current events.
Current events sound boring…
I’ll probably include designs I am currently working on, random cosmetic tips, favorite know.
But, I promise:
 This will not be a rant and vent blog.  Feel free to call me out if anything seems intentionally hurtful.
Blog at you soon…
Or something less cheesy.. ;)