Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Off the Wall

I haven't written in a bit…
But I've had a lot of things on my mind that I'd like to write about.
One thing is very theological, so it'll have to wait. Too serious for me right now. Something you should know before you continue reading:
I am incredibly sleep deprived and I am still at the office.
Not working anymore, but keeping the bf company. We work for the same church, which is super convenient.
Random note: he now says sorrow instead of sorry a lot of the time. It makes me lol.
Who says you need caffeine to be a little spunky?
Ok, anyway. Vera Wang is launching a new collection through David's Bridal in February. Wonderful news for any unmarried woman. Check it out.
I purchased and returned Mac Pro LongWear Concealer. This stuff is very orange. I don't recommend if unless you're Snooki :) jk. But it is rather orange. If you typically wear NC shades, this will work for you!
I really like Old Navy and H&M, but check whatever you're about to buy for holes before you pull out your cash. I found holes in my recent purchases from both stores. Bummer…but glad I saw it before it was unreturnable, you know?
No, that is not a word. But I can pretend, right?
Whole Foods is a wonderful place to go for lunch. Yum…
I don't like MetroMint Water. I really wanted to, but I don't :( Oh well.
If you're sensitive to spicy, be careful when ordering the fajitas at Chipotle. They burn my lips a little. Good thing I have the EOS lip balm in Sweet Mint! Wonderful stuff.
And yes, I wish every day I were wearing that beautiful ring from Brilliant Earth. I'm very patient though.
I'll blog something less random next time…I think.