Wednesday, January 5, 2011

And a Happy New Year

Well, that was quite the hiatus.
I was going to write more often, but I just hadn't felt like writing. Which is slightly out of character, but I'm posting something now…right?
I don't really "believe" in New Year's resolutions, but if I did, it would be about my blog. Something like, "I will post at least once every ten days." A lofty goal :)
Some days I have a million ideas in my head that I could write pages about, and other days I don't. I never thought I'd write something today since I reformatted and updated applications at work, but I think it cured my writer's block. So, the ideas are coming back and here I am.
I started a new job today. It was a great day. I work for Student Ministries at my church now. It makes sense- I love working with students and my peers and it's what I'm going to school for! Winner combo. God is so faithful. I didn't really know what to expect or what I would be doing, but I ended up working on some things I feel passionate about. And everyone was so warm and welcoming. It was a great day.
I think it's a good start to the New Year.
And this is the year I get married :) The planning is going well and I'm so excited. No glitches or real issues there. All the big ticket things are taken care of; and people say wedding planning is stressful! 2011 is like 2010's nice twin so far.
My friend Dena calls me the Inspirational Bride. I've got lots of inspiration and I'm sharing it. Ready or not:
My wedding's theme is love birds and love stories. Birds and books. Don't worry, no feathers included! The colors are gray and purple and a lot of others, but mainly those two. We're having some amazing vendors involved and I can't wait to share with you once I've got something to talk about, haha.
Here are some sites I love to refer to as far as wedding planning goes:
and of course:
It's a bigger wedding with 200 people invited, but it doesn't feel big! J and I haven't combined our guest list yet, but so far ours are a hundred people long a piece. And then we have to consider our parents' invites. But I'm not stressing. I want the people who have truly supported us and who love us to be there, like family and friends. No one we haven't talked to in three plus years or anything. Budget constraints also limit the guest list and you gotta work with what you got. One of my bridesmaids (jokingly) said, "Only 200? You're not afraid of insulting anyone." I just want to say: I don't want to insult anyone. I don't play games and with limited space we can only squeeze in so many people. We want to share this day with those we're closest to. If we could invite everyone we know, we would. Well, J would :) The idea of a wedding for two is super appealing to me. OK, I kid. But…you know.
So I guess the invites are the only difficult thing so far. We're meeting with our photographer next week and I can't wait to share more about her! Maybe a cake tasting in there somewhere, too. I'll keep you all posted.
I guess this was a catch-up kind of post. It's going to be a year full of change and opportunity and I can't wait to see what happens. Have a great first week back in the swing of things!

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